Avoid and report any scams

These people have turned up without any formal notice and are unable to provide valid credentials. They are NOT from our Test and Protect team.

If you receive a visit from someone and are concerned about the authenticity of the visit, please call 0800 030 8012 to verify.

Remember, a genuine contact tracer will NOT:

  • Arrive unannounced at your home
  • Ask for personal details such as bank details or medical records
  • Try to sell you anything or ask for payment of any kind

Trusted sources of information on Test and Protect

NHS Scotland: www.nhsinform.scot/campaigns/test-and-protect

NHS Inform helpline: 0800 22 44 88

Scottish Government: www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-test-and-protect

Fife Council: www.fife.gov.uk/news/2020/test-and-protect-scams

NHS Fife: Test and Protect scam