Based at Parkgate Community Centre car park, the site will provide testing for members of the public without COVID-19 symptoms.

Not everyone with COVID-19 has symptoms but they could still be infectious and spreading the virus to others unknowingly. By providing testing for the local population and those in surrounding areas, positive cases can be identified and the spread of the virus reduced.

Members of the public will be able to access community testing on a drop-in basis without the need for an appointment.

The Rosyth site will also provide confidential support to assist anyone who tests positive and needs to self-isolate.

The site will be initially open 9am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

Dona Milne, NHS Fife Director of Public Health, said: “Community testing sites are available across Fife, providing quick and easy access to testing.

“We know that around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 don’t have symptoms but are still infectious and able to pass the virus on to loved ones, friends and the wider community.

“By getting tested you can find out if you have the virus and if you are positive take immediate action to stop the spread of the virus to others by self-isolating.

“We’re using the most up-to-date public health information to determine where testing sites are located in Fife.

“By getting tested when you don’t have symptoms you can play your part in the fight against COVID-19 and help to keep everyone safe.”

Sites will be open on a time-limited basis. Safe and secure, sites follow strict hygiene measures, with staff providing support throughout the testing process.

Further information and updates are available at

Current COVID-19 Testing Sites in Fife for people without symptoms:


Symptomatic / Without Symptoms



Tryst Centre, Dunfermline

Without Symptoms


7 days a week
For current opening times

Glebe Centre, 

Without Symptoms


7 days a week
For current opening times:

Savoy Centre, Methil, Levenmouth

Without Symptoms


7 days a week
For current opening times:

NEW Mobile testing:
Parkgate Community Centre, Rosyth

Without Symptoms


For current opening times:

Mobile testing:
Benarty Centre, Ballingry

Without Symptoms


7 days a week
For current opening times:

Mobile testing:
Waterstone Crook Sports Centre Car Park, Newport-on-Tay

Without Symptoms and Symptomatic

Book appointment via NHS Inform / 0800 028 2816

7 days a week

A number of sites are available in Fife for symptomatic testing – to arrange an appointment when you have symptoms at your nearest available site visit or phone 0800 028 2816.