MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. An MRI scan uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create pictures on a computer of tissues, organs and structures inside your body.

MRI does not use ionising radiation.


It may not be possible to carry out a scan on some patients due to the strong magnetic field used. Patients who have had pacemakers inserted, ear implants, aneurysm clips or have had metal fragments penetrating the eyes should contact the MRI department on the numbers above.

If you are or may be pregnant please contact the MRI department on the numbers below.

You will need to remove all valuables, such as watches, jewellery, credit cards, coins and other metal objects that you may have in your possession.

It is helpful if you attend for your scan in clothing that has no metal parts, such as zips and metal fastenings. If this is not possible then a hospital gown will be provided.

Please ensure that NO make-up is applied prior to your scan.

You will be asked to remove all tinted contact lenses prior to your scan.

Please ensure that all body piercings are removed prior to attending as they must be removed prior to your scan.

You will be positioned on the scanning table by a radiographer. The table will move into the scanner which is open at both ends. It is important that you stay as still as possible to obtain good quality images.

During the scan you will hear a loud knocking noise. You are required to wear earplugs which will be provided. Additional headphones can also be used to reduce the noise levels.

In some cases an injection of a special colourless dye is given by the radiographer into the bloodstream via a vein in your arm.

The examination will take between 15minutes -1 hours depending body part being examined.

Once the examination is complete you can collect your belongings, dress and return to your normal daily routine.

A formal report of your examination will be sent to your referring clinician. You will receive the results from your referring clinician.

Referral routes

Access to services is through referral by a medical practitioner or a registered non-medical referrer e.g specialist nurse or Allied Health Professional.