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General Policy
Associate Director of Communications
Associate Director of Communications
Deputy Chief Executive
01 May 2023
01 May 2023
01 May 2024

This new policy replaces: 

  • GP/O2 - Online Communications 
  • GPO2-2 – Web Services Provision  
  • GP/E6 – Email Policy 

General Note

NHS Fife acknowledges and agrees with the importance of regular and timely review of policy statements and aims to review policies within the timescales set out. New policies will be subject to a review date of no more than 1 year from the date of first issue. 

Reviewed policies will have a review date set that is relevant to the content (advised by the author) but will be no longer than 3 years. 

If a policy is past its review date, then the content will remain extant until such time as the policy review is complete and the new version published, or if national policy or legislative changes are made 


1.1  To ensure that guidelines exist for the appropriate “Corporate Communications” and to consider the roles and responsibilities of individual employees in contributing to ensuring accurate and timely information is accessible to all NHS Fife staff. 

1.2  Staff will be restricted from participating in some forms of “Corporate Communications” activity.  Some exceptions will apply at the discretion of the Corporate Communications Department and Digital and Information Services. 


2.1  This Policy applies to all NHS Fife staff with access to NHS Fife’s core communications channels and networks including but not limited to email, social media, website, Staff Link, press and media, and Elected Members’ Briefings.  The responsibility for issuing any form of official corporate communication on behalf of NHS Fife is the responsibility of the Corporate Communications Department. 


3.1  It is the responsibility of the Corporate Communications Department, working in partnership with Digital and Information Services, to monitor and audit the use of online communications including emails, social media, web, and the Staff Link App (NHS Fife’s employee communications and engagement app, powered by Blink software). Responsibility for the management, coordination and issuing of corporate content or updates for staff, service users, partners, stakeholders, the public and press and media sits with the Corporate Communications Department and Chief Executive’s Office. 



4.1.1 Staff Link – NHS Fife Employee Communications and Engagement App  

General Staff Access 

The primary channel for NHS Fife internal communications with staff is via the Staff Link app (powered by Blink software).  

Staff can access the app through the desktop shortcut. In addition, staff who have a work mobile phone should also download the app to their device. Staff are also encouraged to download the free app to their personal mobile device if they are happy to do so.  

Staff joining NHS Fife will automatically have access to Staff Link. In instances where staff have difficulties logging-in this should be highlighted to the Staff Link team in the first instance at: 

Administration Access 

Staff may request admin access to edit and maintain the Hub section of their Department or Service area.  

Admins should not post service information to the ‘all staff’ Staff Link newsfeed. Any such requests must be made to the Corporate Communications Team as outlined in section 4.1.4. 

No changes should be made to Quick links or other areas of Staff Link without prior discussion with Corporate Communications. 

All admin access is granted at the discretion of the Corporate Communications Team and admin rights will not be granted until associated training is completed. 

Department or Service admins will be reviewed on a biannual basis. Where an admin has not been active in a 6-month period, Corporate Communications have the right to withdraw admin rights. 

4.1.2 Staff Link Etiquette 

The Staff Link newsfeed includes the opportunity to comment and leave a reaction on each post. Staff feedback is valuable and is actively encouraged. 

Staff can also communicate with each other via the Staff Link chat function, either as individuals or as part of a team. 

When using Staff Link staff are expected to use appropriate etiquette including: 

  • Communicating with respect and being respectful to all users 
  • Never disclosing sensitive patient or organisational information 
  • Never using inflammatory information 
  • Avoiding any form of hate speech 
  • Never referencing materials that are inappropriate 

Newsfeed comments should maintain patient and staff privacy and should not be harassing, aggressive or abusive. Any comments which are not appropriate will be deleted by the Corporate Communications Team. Failure to comply with guidance may result in the suspension of the user’s Staff Link account and investigation through appropriate HR procedures e.g., Management of Employee Conduct. 

4.1.3 Regular Internal Communications updates - Internal communications via Staff Link will also be complemented with the weekly All Staff Email update, providing a summary of information published on Staff Link, the Chief Executive’s monthly Team update and any other appropriate internal channels. 

These routine updates can also be complemented with urgent all-staff emails and specialist managers’ briefings for dissemination via staff huddles, safety briefings and meetings on specific topics that require action. 

4.1.4 Requests for internal communications - For news or service information to be included in Staff Link or the weekly update contact: 

Corporate Communications Department staff dealing with requests for Staff Link newsfeed posts or additions/amendments to the Staff Link Hub will be responsible for responding to requests and enquiries within one working day (Monday - Friday).  

Staff Link Newsfeed Requests 

Any requests for a newsfeed message to all staff should contain full details of the message to be sent, including key information such as: 

  • Who - is there a particular target audience? 
  • What - is the call to action?
  • Why - are they being informed?
  • Where - can they find out further information?
  • When – is there a deadline for action?

Any additional copy such as visuals, videos or supporting documentation should also be provided. 

The Corporate Communications team will prepare the post and send out at the earliest opportunity. 

Certain posts may be highlighted as a ‘Featured’ post and appear in the news carousel. This includes posts which require wide engagement, are deemed operationally important or time sensitive. For business critical, time-sensitive posts a Priority Post can be used, which provides an alert to users. 

Requests for Featured or Priority Posts are granted at the discretion of the Corporate Communications Team. 

Contact information – a named individual/lead, email and telephone number should be provided for all requests to allow the service to answer any staff comments resulting from the post.  

Staff Link is the main internal communications channel and should be used as the central funnel of all key messaging. 

In exceptional circumstances, such as where there is a business-critical need, an all-staff email may be appropriate as outlined in 4.7.  

4.1.5 Staff Link Hub Requests 

For areas without their own Admin access, requests for information and documents to be added, edited, or removed in the Hub should be made to the Corporate Communications team at: 

Most requests will be actioned within one working day (Monday to Friday). 

Where more extensive work is required e.g., rebuild of pages, further discussion will take place with the service and a timescale agreed. 

4.1.6 Hub Content 

It is the responsibility of the relevant service or department to ensure that the information and documentation in their section of the Hub is: 

  • Relevant to staff 
  • Accurate 
  • Contains the latest version of documentation  
  • Available to access in the correct format 

Services and departments should review their content on a regular basis, removing any out-dated or incorrect content. 

4.1.7 Staff Link Content Feedback 

All feedback regarding Staff Link content is welcomed. All feedback, comments and suggestions should be sent to in the first instance. 


4.2.1 NHS Fife Corporate Accounts - social media is a network of websites and applications (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) that allow users to create and share content. Content issued on NHS Fife’s social media accounts represents the official view or comment from NHS Fife. There is only one official-corporate account for each social media platform and these accounts are managed by Corporate Communications on behalf of the Chief Executive and NHS Fife as a corporate entity.  

These accounts are where the public, stakeholders and the news media can expect to learn the latest news, comment, and campaign messages from NHS Fife.  

NHS Fife uses social media to: 

  • Directly communicate news updates 
  • Provide real time information and awareness 
  • Deliver news of organisational innovation and staff achievement 
  • Respond to individual queries and direct messages 
  • Challenge misinformation 
  • Promote local and national health campaigns  
  • Support services and service users 
  • Challenge inequalities by signposting to information  
  • Support recruitment 
  • Amplify messages from partners – both local and nationally - in the public and charity sectors 
  • Provide a layer of communications resilience in the event internal staff networks go down. 

Requests for social media support or content can be made to: All decisions relating to social media are made at the discretion of the Corporate Communications Department. 

4.2.2 Individual-personal accounts - Personal social media accounts are private profiles and unregulated by NHS Fife and the responsibilities of the account holder. However, NHS Fife staff identifying as such should consider their security settings and content in line with social media guidance and the relevant HR conduct policies. 

4.2.3 Service Accounts - In addition to our main corporate accounts, NHS Fife also provides oversight and guidance to NHS Fife-linked service or department accounts, which are devolved social media accounts governed by central guidance and guidelines set by Corporate Communications. Corporate Communications works closely with named individuals running service accounts to support compliance with the relevant governance (data protection, copyright, brand guidelines etc) and accounts are only approved following a formal evidence-based application process and discussion. 

4.2.4  Social media management - NHS Fife uses social media management software to respond to enquiries, schedule content, evaluate campaigns and monitor trends and sentiment on healthcare related topics. User access to NHS Fife social media management tools is restricted to communications professionals within NHS Fife and the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership. 

There are four main aspects to our social media management. 


Social media management software enables NHS Fife to schedule, preview, publish, and label customised social media posts and stories across platforms in one location. It also provides a calendar to map social media content, as well as a cloud-based resource to store videos and images so they are easily found. 


Social media management software enables NHS Fife to manage all the organisations public and private social media interactions – including comments, mentions, reviews, and private messages - in one central place. NHS Fife receives significant engagement, and a centralised email inbox supports effective and efficient management. 


Social media management software enables NHS Fife to track the performance of social media content, campaigns, and the organisation’s social media accounts. It collects data from multiple platforms in one place, which can be analysed depending on measurement criteria, easily exported into reports, and shared with stakeholders. 

Interaction analysis 

The use of social media management software enables NHS Fife to gain greater insight into social media conversations about the organisation or healthcare related topics.  

Interaction analysis is based on specific search queries. Examples of acceptable search queries include NHS Fife’s facilities, NHS Fife services, and local and national health related campaigns. Searches should not be targeted at private individuals. Information should be sought from Corporate Communications or Information Governance if there is any doubt about what is considered an acceptable search term. 


The NHS Fife Corporate website is committed to the highest editorial and ethical standards in the provision of all its content and related services. 

The NHS Fife website is committed to providing objective and trustworthy information and guidance on all aspects of health and healthcare. 

The NHS Fife website has a dedicated content team based within the Corporate Communications Department. This team has a clear mandate to produce accurate, balanced, and transparent information that meets the needs of users. is a trusted source of information for users. We have invested in the platform which means we have: 

  • A secure website (working in collaboration with our digital partner agency and Digital and Information Services) 
  • Hosting and support resilience from our partner digital agency to ensure the website is available 24/7 
  • Accessibility tools to ensure the website is accessible as possible 
  • A design that emphasises the brand integrity of the NHS in Scotland 
  • Contacts for website support 
  • A platform we can concentrate search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts on 

This platform allows us to design content and web pages for specialisms and departments in as financially efficient a way as possible. Additionally, it provides a clear user experience and route to services for users. 

Where possible, and unless there is a clear rationale for not doing so, NHS Fife services and departments must publish information for users on 

If a service or department believes they are exempt from this approach, they may apply for an exemption. Such exemption examples may be: 

  • Collaborative projects with other partner organisations or funders. 
  • If the website cannot accommodate specific functionality. 
  • If being hosted on undermines the communication of the message to the audience. 

If you believe you have a case for an exemption, please contact: 

A decision will be made at the discretion of the Associate Director of Communications. 

Where information has been created on legacy systems such as websites and apps, the Web Team can advise on migration to the website.  

4.3.1 Content Policy - The overall NHS Fife website content policy covers all content.  

Our content is a combination of written content, video and audio resources, interactive tools, and images 

We create content and at times harvest it from central databases including: 

  • content written in close liaison with medical professionals 
  • content that is drawn from external systems such as NHS Inform National Services database 
  • editorial content for news and campaigns 

In all instances, we strive to ensure that data is accurate and clearly presented and that editorial content meets users' needs, is clinically safe and evidence based. 

4.3.2 Web site design and development – This is the responsibility of the Corporate Communications Department’s Web Team. The Web Teamwork in partnership with our externally appointed web development agency who are responsible for website hosting, support, security, and website development (in tandem with NHS Fife Digital and Information Service). The current appointed agency for NHS Fife is Factory73 web development agency. The Web Team is responsible for content design and development and ensuring that online content is accurate and accessible and meets the needs of service users and service providers. The Web Team is also responsible for inputting content updates for most pages and sections on the corporate web site, working with a nominated service or department’s “Fact Checker”1. 

Some selected sections of the website have had content editing rights delegated to a named individual, with responsibility for maintaining and updating content. This currently includes: 

  • Fife Health Charity 
  • Workplace Team 
  • Laboratories 
  • Pharmacy 
  • Health Promotion 
  • NHS Fife Board 

Web publishing rights are retained by the Corporate Communications Department Web Team, with final content checked for: 

  • common factual errors 
  • spelling 
  • grammar 
  • adherence to house style/accessibility 

4.3.3 Review of web content - Editorial content on the NHS Fife website is reviewed systematically. All editorial content is reviewed on a rolling basis at six monthly intervals, in conjunction with our in-house team of 90 fact checkers who work across the different departments, services and teams. 

Evidence updates to published content, as well as feedback from users and stakeholders, are considered on a day-by-day basis as they arrive, and content is reviewed and amended immediately if necessary. Publication dates are displayed on all pages. 

4.3.4 New content in development - When a service wants to add content to the website, the Web Team will discuss this with them. 

The Web Team will establish if one page or multiple pages will be required. If it is the latter, then a discussion around a suitable layout and use of graphics and/or photography will take place. 

The Web Team will then send its Standard service page or Standard content page templates over to the service to gather content. They then use this content to build the web pages/s once filled in and returned. 

4.3.5 Staff Training - All content “Fact Checkers” representing specific services or departments are given training to ensure editorial standards are met. Specifically, they are trained to search for and review high-quality evidence to make sure that content is factually and clinically accurate. 

4.3.6 Production - Updated content or major changes are checked by the Corporate Communications Web Team and the nominated service or department Fact Checker and Content owner. If a Fact Checker has not been nominated or a senior or experienced member of staff from the relevant service or department is unavailable, added content submissions are checked for: 

  • accuracy 
  • balance 
  • accessibility 
  • tone 
  • clinical sign-off 

Before any content containing clinical information is published on the NHS Fife website, one or more clinicians must confirm that it is accurate, clinically safe and reflects relevant evidence. 

4.3.7 Accuracy - Content on the NHS Fife website will be accurate, balanced, and transparent. Where content contains conjecture or opinion, this will be clearly indicated. Any inaccuracies should be sent to the web team by using the online feedback form at: 

4.3.8 Accountability - The NHS Fife website is accountable to its users and will deal fairly with them. It will be open in admitting mistakes and will encourage a culture of learning through user feedback. Its editorial processes will be transparent. 

4.3.9 Taste and decency - All content on the NHS Fife website will be suitable for a general audience and will not include material that might be deemed offensive. Where content includes explicit sexual information, it will be clearly flagged. 

4.3.10 Privacy - The NHS Fife website views its users' privacy as paramount. Find out more about privacy in our data protection statement and cookies policy on the NHS Fife website at: 

4.3.11 Funding - The NHS Fife website is funded by NHS Fife. It does not carry advertising and does not accept corporate sponsorship. 

4.3.12 Web content feedback - The NHS Fife website welcomes feedback on all its content. Users can contact the Web Team through NHS Fife by using the online feedback form at: 

The team will pass it to the appropriate content owner, service, or department.  

4.3.13 External Website and social media links - We take great care over the websites we link to and review them regularly, but we are not responsible for the content of those sites. A link on the NHS Fife website is not an endorsement of that website, its content, or any product or service it may provide. In addition to linking to specific websites, we may also link to content hosted on various social media platforms. 

Transactions between users and any external site are not the responsibility of the NHS Fife website. 

We decide when, where and how we link to other websites from the NHS Fife website, taking into consideration the usefulness, appropriateness, and quality of links for our users. 

Adding or removing links is at the discretion of the NHS Fife web team. We do not link to websites in return for money, services, or any other consideration in kind. If you would like us to remove a link to your website from the NHS website email: 

4.3.14 Feedback - Feedback Service user opinion is important to us. To ensure that patient or user feedback is captured, responded to and where appropriate, acted upon, our preferred feedback route is via the online feedback facility, Care Opinion We point to this website, along with other independent feedback channels, on the patient facing website and encourage all teams and services within to use this mechanism to encourage feedback on their individual service areas. 


The NHS Scotland Identity is a well-recognised brand. When applied correctly and consistently, it evokes exceptionally high levels of trust and reassurance. All users of the NHS Scotland and NHS Fife Identity have a responsibility to protect it and ensure we achieve the national standard that our patients expect from the NHS. 

Patients and the public see the NHS as a single, national, unified service and expect and want the NHS Identity to be applied in a consistent and uniform way – it reassures them that they can rely on the quality of healthcare being provided wherever they access it. 

NHS Fife is required to adhere to the NHS Scotland, Brand Guidelines. To complement this and to help colleagues across NHS Fife, the Corporate Communications Department has developed a range of templates that colleagues are asked to use to ensure that they adhere to national and board branding. 

You can view the NHS Scotland Identity Guidelines at: 

You can view the NHS Fife Identity Guidelines and Digital Style Guide and templates at: (Please note: this content requires a staff login to view)

4.41 Design requests and scheduling 

Creative direction in NHS Fife has accessibility at the core of any design solutions. The Corporate Communications Department work with services to create clear and powerful message-led creative concepts for target audiences, using a range of communication channels.  

In order to be responsive to new design requests it is important to establish clear objectives, timescales, and communication channels as well as a budget for any printed material. During times when we are experiencing high volumes of work, we may have reduced availability and longer turnaround times than usual. 

Services are asked to be realistic when setting deadlines for graphic design and provide as much advance notice as possible as timescales can vary significantly between requests depending on the size and scale of the design requirements. Services are encouraged to discuss their request with Corporate Communications and complete a design brief.  

Our online design briefing form for graphic design requests is available at:  

When completing the design brief form, it is important to consider:  

  • Who - is there a particular target audience?
  • What - is the call to action? 
  • Why - are they being informed? 
  • Where - can they find out further information? 
  • When – is there a deadline?

The Corporate Communications Department will acknowledge receipt of submission of the design brief and follow-up on the request via email, teams or a phone call. 

For information and guidance on NHS Fife branding and design requests contact: 


All interactions with press and media relating to Fife NHS Board are handled by the NHS Fife Corporate Communication Department. Staff are reminded that they should direct any press or media calls, requests, or enquiries relating to NHS Fife to Corporate Communications Department – Ext: 27971 Tel: 01592 647971 (Monday – Friday 9am-5pm) or Email: Out with these hours, please call switchboard on Tel: 01592 643 355 and they will forward your message to the Communications on-call service.  

Staff should not address any media enquiries or requests directly and should refer these on to the NHS Fife Corporate Communications Department as outlined above. 

Where any individual member of staff or department wishes to actively promote an initiative publicly, this should be discussed with Corporate Communications. This may involve the corporate website, social media channels or a press release, and often a combination of all three. 

Where a press release is to be issued, this should be approved by Corporate Communications, who will also arrange sign off with the relevant Executive Director and Chief Executive before release (or their respective deputy where appropriate). Most press releases are written by Corporate Communications based on information and data provided by the relevant service. 

NHS Fife staff are sometimes asked by media to speak in a personal capacity. The decision over whether to speak to media or not is one for the individual staff member, however, staff should make clear that they are speaking in a personal capacity and not as a representative of NHS Fife. Staff are asked to inform the Corporate Communications Department of any such requests, and who can provide guidance and counsel if that is required. 


All enquiries from elected members should be directed to the NHS Fife Chief Executive Office for appropriate logging, response, and co-ordination at: Staff members should direct any enquires from elected members to this address and should not attempt to answer any enquiries directly. A regular briefing is sent to elected members by NHS Fife to keep them updated on organisational activity – the Elected Members’ Update. Topics or content for suggested inclusion in the Elected Members’ Update should be sent to 


The use of all-staff emails is restricted to urgent or emergency communications with operational importance, or communications from the Chief Executive’s Office. 

These messages will be issued by the Corporate Communications Department or on occasion by Digital and Information Services where an urgent operational need requires it.  

All other information and updates for staff will be posted on Staff Link, the NHS Fife employee communications App. If the news post is time dependent and business critical this can be issued as a Priority Post (see 4.1) and if appropriate summarised and signposted in the all-staff weekly update issued on a Tuesday. 

4.7.1 Requesting an All-Staff Email - Please contact the Corporate Communications Department at: If the request is for an urgent or emergency communication the Corporate Communications team will endeavour to respond once in receipt of the email, however an urgent email request should also be followed up with a phone call to the Corporate Communications Department on 01592 647971 Ext: 27971. 

The appropriateness of the ‘all-staff email’ will be determined by a Communications Manager within the Corporate Communications Department based on urgency, operational impact and reach required. If an email is deemed inappropriate to send to all staff, alternative solutions will be given, such as posting the information on Staff Link and promoting in the all-staff weekly update.  

The Corporate Communications Department reserves the right to copy an attachment into the body of an email providing this does not affect the content of message. 

4.7.2 Other users of all-staff emails - A small number of users out with the Corporate Communications Department have rights to send all-staff emails to meet an operational need – these individuals are based in Digital and Information Services and the Chief Executive’s Office. These users should only use any assigned rights for sending emails when there is an identified urgent or emergency operational need that cannot be met by other communication channels. Users should comply with any guidance contained within this procedure. 

4.8 Marketing and campaignsstaff wishing to develop communications or marketing activity or raise awareness of existing activity including all external advertising and paid for promotional activity should contact the Corporate Communications Department at: in the first instance. 

4.9 Filming/Photography - agreement should be sought from patients and staff where NHS Fife intends to capture, use, and make available the following: 

  • Photographs  
  • Video footage  
  • Audio files  
  • Video stills  

A consent form, including full terms and conditions of film or photography use, can be found on StaffLink at: (Please note: this content requires a staff login to view)

Any requests from external agencies or organisations to film or photograph on NHS Fife premises should be directed to: in the first instance. 

For NHS Fife members of staff, consent is assumed unless stated otherwise. 

If staff or members of the public wish to withdraw their consent, they need to inform the Corporate Communications Department 

4.10 Podcasts 

All requests for podcasts for an internal or external audience should be made to in the first instance. The agreement of all participants should be sought, and a consent form completed. 

4.11 NHS Fife Endorsement 

Suppliers of goods and services to NHS Fife cannot use the NHS Fife or Scotland logo. This is to protect the NHS from being seen as: 

  • the source of information that has not originated from the NHS, or 
  • formally endorsing suppliers’ goods and services 

If suppliers want to promote the fact, they have supplied goods or services to NHS Fife then they must explain that in plain text and in a descriptive manner. Suppliers must not use terminology which implies further involvement, such as approved, supported, endorsed, authorised, or certified. 

Suppliers may use an approved photographic image of the goods they have supplied to NHS Fife. Suppliers must have the permission of NHS Fife Corporate Communications department to do so. 

4.12 Photography and Design Copyright 

Photographs, illustrations, and other images will be protected by copyright as artistic works. This means that a user will usually need the permission of the copyright owner(s) if they want to perform certain acts, such as copying the image or sharing it on the internet. 

References to “images” include: 

  • digital photos taken on mobile phones and digital cameras. 
  • images that were first generated on photographic film and any digital images created from them; and 
  • images such as diagrams and illustrations 

Permission to use any NHS Fife photographs, illustrations, or digital content including video should be sought from NHS Fife Corporate Communications and if approval is granted the material used should be credited to NHS Fife in the format of: Copyright NHS Fife date. 

4.13 Surveys and Forms  

Advice and guidance on using Microsoft Forms to design a survey and acceptable use policy is available to view on StaffLink at: (Please note: this content requires a staff login to view)

4.14 Major incident and emergency communications 

The Corporate Communications Department at NHS Fife will lead on and coordinate all internal and external communications on behalf of the organisation, in response to a major incident. 

What and when we can communicate will be agreed in liaison with the agency leading the initial incident response e.g., Police Scotland. 

This will also include liaison with partner organisation communications leads such as Fife Local Resilience Partnership (LRP), Police Scotland, and Fife Council. As well as local and national press and media outlets and local elected members including Councillors, MSPs and MPs. 

NHS Fife’s Corporate Communications Department will also coordinate all posts and monitor the organisations social media channels as well as issuing regular updates via NHS Fife’s internal communications channels including the Staff Link App and all-staff email updates and briefings. 

Corporate Communications will also have representation on operational command groups such as Gold Command as well as appropriate Silver Commands and the Fife LRP or its communications subgroup. This is to ensure a consistent and timely flow of information to inform and instruct colleagues, service users, partners and the general public as the incident evolves and as the impact on service provision is fully evaluated and any mitigating actions to be taken. 

Corporate Communications activity as part of a major incident will fall into four main phases: 

  1. Alert users that an incident has occurred
  2. Provide users with regular updates throughout the duration of an incident
  3. Notify users once an incident has been resolved
  4. Contribute to post incident review and follow-up

Corporate Communications will also keep a live log of all communications activity throughout the period of the incident for future incident review and follow-up. 

4.15 Severe or Adverse weather communications 

The NHS Fife adverse weather communications plan is activated by either: 

  • A Met Office amber or red alert being issued for Central, Tayside, Lothians & Fife region 
  • An escalation of NHS Fife Emergency procedures (e.g., severe ice; lightning strike etc.) 

The role of Corporate Communications is to coordinate and ensure accurate and timely advice and guidance to NHS Fife patients, staff, service users, visitors, and other stakeholders through official NHS Fife communications channels including social media, NHS Fife Website and Staff Link as well as local media outlets. 

4.16 Inviting Public Figures and High-Profile Individuals 

Ideas or suggestions for inviting public figures (including politicians) or celebrities to visit NHS Fife services or departments should be discussed with the Corporate Communications Department who will discuss with the Chief Executive’s Office as appropriate. With regard to events involving elected representatives any formal invitation must come from the NHS Fife’s Chief Executive Office.  


5.1  This policy must be reviewed annually under the authority of the Associate Director of Communications.  All associated procedures and processes linked to this policy will be subject to an ongoing development and review programme. 


  • Related Publications –  
  • NHS Fife Identity and Digital Guidelines: (Please note: this content requires a staff login to view)
  • NHS Scotland Identity Guidelines: 

Related Procedures – 

Information on how we look after data and privacy: