General disclaimer

NHS Fife uses its best efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information on this website. However, no guarantees are made that the information contained on this website or associated, or linked to websites are accurate, complete and current at any given time.

Information presented on this website or associated sites may change at any time. Any information appearing on this website is issued as general information and is not warranted by NHS Fife, or any other health organisation, nor should it be taken as advice.

No responsibility can be accepted by NHS Fife or any other health organisation for action or inaction as a result of information contained on this website.

This website is not intended in any way to replace the advice of your doctor. Specific advice should be sought in specific situations from a properly qualified health worker.

Governing Law

The terms and conditions of use of this website shall be governed by the laws of Scotland.


No warranty is given that files downloaded or accessed from this website are free from computer viruses. No warranties are made as to the fitness for purpose, quality or completeness of information. NHS Fife excludes any liability for errors in or omissions in information provided on or linked to from this website.

Links to Third-party websites and Apps

Our NHS Fife website contains links to websites and Apps owned and operated by third parties. If you use these links you leave our website. These links are provided for your information and convenience only and are not an endorsement by NHS Fife of the content of such linked websites or third-party Apps and services.

NHS Fife has no control of the content of any linked websites or Apps and is not responsible for their content or availability. NHS Fife therefore makes no warranties or representations, express or implied about such linked websites or Apps, the third parties they are owned and operated by the information contained on them or the suitability of quality of their products or services.

If you decide to access any third-party websites and make use of the information contained on them and/or enter any contract for the supply of goods or services from such third party, you do so entirely at your own risk.

NHS Fife accepts no liability for damage or loss, however caused in the connection with the use of or reliance on any information, material, products, or services contained on or accessed through any such linked websites or Apps.