Over 5,000 first and second dose vaccinations have now been carried out amongst care home residents and staff, who were amongst the first to be prioritised for immunisation.
NHS Fife’s Director of Pharmacy and Medicines, Scott Garden, said:
“Today marks a major milestone in NHS Fife's vaccination programme and our efforts to protect those in Fife most vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19.
“Healthcare staff are working incredibly hard to vaccinate local people as quickly as supply allows, and we are delighted to complete our care home programme.
“We are also making good progress with second dose vaccination of those aged 80 or over and the housebound and are currently on schedule to have this cohort complete by the 12th of April.”
Patients aged 80 and over will be contacted by their local GP practice by letter or telephone for their second dose appointment. Given the significant scale and pace of the vaccination programme, patients are asked not to contact their local GP practice for updates to ensure phone lines remain available to those requiring urgent assessment.
A local online support hub has been created to provide information on testing for COVID-19 and updates on the pandemic at www.nhsfife.org/coronavirus.