Diabetic eye screening (DES) is a test to check for a condition called diabetic retinopathy.
This condition may cause blindness or serious damage to eyesight. This can happen if a person has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The purpose of DES is to find changes to the retina before someone has any symptoms of sight loss. It is a key part of a person’s diabetes care as early treatment can reduce or prevent sight loss.
Those aged 12 and over with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are invited for DES. DES involves taking photos of their retinas (back of the eyes) and examining them for changes. The appointment takes no longer than 30 minutes, and results letters are usually received within for weeks of the appointment. The results will inform when the person is next invited back. Those with changes will be invited to a follow up appointment at a specific special eye clinic.
You can visit our Diabetic eye screening page or find out more at nhsinform.scot/des
To find out more about diabetes you can also visit our Diabetes section.