In addition to cardiovascular activity it is important to improve muscle strength. A greater proportion of muscle mass will help your recovery. Resistance based exercises are key to increased muscle mass. Ideally you should do 2 sessions of strength training a week. 

Below are examples of muscle strengthening exercises   

  • Lifting weights: small dumbbells, cans of food, water bottles. 
  • Body weight exercises, squats, lunges, sit to stands, wall sits. 
  • Completing your aerobic exercises with added resistance e.g. a full backpack or carrying bottles of water/poles in each hand. 
  • Working with resistance bands. 
  • Push ups/sit ups. 

Remember the larger muscle groups will show the quickest and largest response to resistance training. These large muscles are used to help you mobilise and the stronger they are before surgery the sooner you will be able to get out of bed following your operation. 

Please see 

After surgery we recommend that you continue to undertake muscle strengthening exercises once your feel comfortable to do so. Aim to gradually increase the amount of strengthening exercises you do.  Muscle strengthening exercises following your surgery will help you mobilise sooner and improve your recovery.  
