Should you wish to contribute feedback, you can post your feedback online by visiting the Pain Management Care Opinion page.
Consultation Feedback
After years of suffering from chronic pain my situation got so bad that I ended up being made redundant from work through ill health after 32 years service. My GP had exhausted all options and decided to refer me to the Pain Management Clinic, on my first visit I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, finally I had a reason for the chronic pain and fatigue.
Truthfully I would say I also suffered mentally, no work, poor health, a long process of test after test without ever getting to the bottom of it.
I was then given regular appointments with George. He listened, he spoke with confidence, he believed me, he gave me the tools to work with and now today I have had my final appointment with outstanding results, my pain may never go away but I know how to deal with it.
Thank you everyone at the Pain Management Team, NHS Fife.
George, “WE” got there… Cheers.
April 2024
The lady I spoke to this morning in my first appointment wanted me to document and share her thanks for everything we have done for her at the Fife Pain Management Service. She commented that it was an uplifting experience to be seen in a team who treated the patients in a holistic manner, and that she felt safe and understood by all of the staff whom she encountered here.
Well done everyone!
March 2024
now today I have had my final appointment with outstanding results, my pain may never go away but I know how to deal with it.

PMP Group Oct 2023
I felt it was beneficial meeting other people in the same situation as myself. To be able to talk openly and for people to understand.
Being part of a group who “Gets It” makes a massive difference to my wellbeing and sharing the learning topics was great.
I think everything was covered in the PMP. The physio and therapy side was so much more that I expected in a good way. It has really helped me come to an acceptance of things and give me a more positive attitude. It has given me confidence which I have not had for a long time. I would recommend this programme to anyone that could attend. I thought it was amazing.
The PMP had a positive impact on my mental health.
The staff were all very friendly and helpful and its good to be able to talk to people who understand what you are going through. Keep Up the Great work, you are all amazing.
Sore? Know More! Education Sessions 2023
It was really good to hear that my pain is real after years of feeling like I imagined it. Good to hear that everyone is unique in how they experience pain.
Interesting to learn that you can change it by gradually doing things differently to build a new pathway.
Excellent Session, very informative.
Was good to listen and try to understand why I have persistent pain.