Heel raise stretch
Plantar Fascia Stretch in Sitting
Sit with your lower leg on the other knee.
With your ankle bent, hold your heel with one hand and, using your other hand, pull your toes back towards your shin.
Hold for several seconds.

Heel stretch
Single-leg heel raise with plantar fascia stretch
Stand tall on one leg, the forefoot on the edge of a step and a towel roll
placed under the toes. Take support if needed. Add weight with a weighted backpack or by other means.
Push up onto your toes, counting slowly to 3 and then hold for 2 seconds.
Lower the heel towards the floor by counting to 3 and repeat from the
Repeat several times.

Plantar Fascia Self-myofascial Release
Plantar fascia self-myofascial release
Stand or sit with a ball placed under your foot.
Press the foot against the ball. Start rolling the ball under your foot.
Sets x
Min x
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