Wards and Departments
It is very important of course that you are able to find your way around. Your induction will include a tour of the main hospital areas but you can find any ward in the Victoria Hospital by using the navigation below.
Acronym guide
Sometimes, medical terminology is very long winded and the words derived from Latin or Greek. For this reason, we often use shortened forms of these terms when working on a busy ward or writing detailed patient notes. Check our Acronyms and abbreviations section to find commonly used abbreviations and acronyms.
Uniform guidance
NHS Fife follows the NHSScotland national uniform policy. There are rules about wearing your uniform only in work and not when travelling to and from your place of work. There are always changing rooms where you can change into your uniform and safely store your own clothes. Please note, that open toed shoes are not considered appropriate in most healthcare settings and attention should be given to the fact that you will be on your feet for long periods of time so comfortable footwear is advised. Speak to your manager if you are in any doubt about what to wear.
Who wears what?

NHS Scotland uniforms guide and UK clothes sizes guide
NHS Scotland uniform guide | Identifying staff by their uniforms |
UK Clothing sizing guide - Female | UK Clothing sizing guide - Male |
What you need to know to work here
Click on the pink boxes below to read more about the areas described.
Occupational Health and Wellbeing
The Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service can provide advice and support through training, assistance with policy development and specialist expertise in the following areas: Occupational Health, Health and Safety, Counselling, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy.
Staff wellbeing hubs
A number of permanent wellbeing hubs have opened across Fife providing a dedicated space for colleagues to relax, get refreshments and take some time away from work areas.
The wellbeing hubs can be accessed using your badge or via an access code.
All staff are welcome to drop-in to to their nearest wellbeing hub.
Funding for the facilities have been provided by the Fife Health Charity and NHS Charities Together. The hubs are located at:
Victoria Hospital
Location: Former WRVS, Phase 2
Access 24/7 via staff badge
Queen Margaret Hospital
Location: Dining Room
Access 24/7 via staff badge
Glenrothes Hospital
Location: Former Dining Room
Access 24/7
Randolph Wemyss Hospital
Location: Former Dining Room
Access via code: see Stafflink
Adamson Hospital
Location: Former Dining Room
Access 24/7 via staff badge
St Andrews Community Hospital
Location: Beside Seminar Room 2
Access 24/7 via staff badge
Whyteman's Brae Hospital
From Thursday 26th October 2023
Location: Level 2, across from the cafe
Currently open access, however, swipe access will be added
Other Hubs:
Other Hubs are also located within:
Therapies Corridor, Room 4, Lynebank Hospital
Quiet Spaces
Quiet spaces for staff are also available at:
The Sanctuary, Queen Margaret Hospital
The Haven, Victoria Hospital
Access to both is available 24/7.
Mandatory training
This is training that we need you to have, to keep you safe at work. It includes;
- Equality and diversity
- Fire safety
- Infection prevention and control
- Information governance
- Management of violence and aggression
- Moving and handling
- Resuscitation
- Health and safety
- Protection for all
Depending on your role, there may be additional role specific mandatory training that you must complete. This will be discussed between you and your line manager as part of your induction. You will usually do this using e-Learning online modules.
Workforce policies
Our policies promote the use of early resolution with all parties establishing and encouraging open and honest communication. NHS Fife adopts a supportive approach by proactively communicating with, and offering support, to employees who are involved in any process as part of a workforce policy.
As a new employee it is important that you are aware of the key workforce policies that you are required to adhere to. NHSScotland Workforce Policies have been developed nationally in partnership with NHSScotland employers, trade unions and the Scottish Government. These polices and associated supporting documents set the standard for employment practice within the NHS in Scotland and provide clear guidance on process and procedure.
Pregnancy guide for international recruits
Centre for Workforce Supply - IR Team - Pregnancy Guidance NHSScotland FINAL.pdf (sharepoint.com)
NHS Scotland pension scheme
All new NHS employees in Scotland are automatically enrolled into the NHS Scotland Pension scheme. The scheme is a high quality workplace pension scheme that offers defined benefits at retirement and protection for your dependants based on your career average earnings.
Key features:
- Benefits accrued on a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) basis.
- Normal pension age the same as the your State Pension Age.
- Pension accrual rate of 1/54th of pensionable earnings each year.
- Benefits for active members revalued each year using the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) plus 1.5%.
- Benefits for preserved members increased using the CPI each year.
- Valuable death benefits for your dependents.
- Option to take part of your pension and continue working.
- Enhanced pension for working longer than normal pension age.
- Option to purchase additional pension.
- Option to buy out the actuarial reduction if retiring from age 65 and before state pension age.
- Option to take up to 25% of pension pot as a tax-free lump sum.Option to opt out.
To find out more visit pensions.gov.scot/nhs
Staff benefits
As a staff member in NHS Fife, you have access to a wide variety of offers and discounts from over 200 local and national businesses. NHS Staff Benefits provide you with discounts on dining out, wellbeing, fitness, holidays, home improvements, family days out, event tickets and wedding planning and much more. New discounts are added each week and every month there are new competitions to enter exclusively for NHS Staff. Most of the discounts on NHS Staff Benefits can be obtained by showing your NHS ID badge, the rest are accessible through online discount codes.
NHS Credit Union
The NHS Credit Union offers affordable loans and secure savings for thousands of health service employees and their families. Any employee of the NHS in Scotland or the north of England can join the NHS Credit Union – along with any member of family living in the same household.
Blue Light Card
The discount service for the Emergency Services, NHS, social care sector and Armed Forces providing discounts online and on the high street.
You'll get more information on NHS Fife benefits and access to the following when you join via Stafflink, our internal communications system.
Corporate Tickets
Tickets are available for a range of leisure activities, recreational places and venues for staff to visit along with their family and friends. Most of the tickets will gain free admission or access for a nominal cost.
Kingdom Lottery Fund
Any member of staff can join NHS Fife’s Kingdom Fund Staff Lottery. A list of monthly winners is shared on StaffLink.
The Lottery profits are spent fairly to optimise benefits to patients and staff e.g. purchase of corporate membership and funding for specific equipment/projects.
Cycle to Work Scheme
NHS Fife operates a Cycle to Work scheme. Over 315 cycles have been acquired since the scheme first started in 2011.
Healthy Harmonies
Healthy Harmonies is the NHS Fife staff choir. The choir has performed at various events including the NHS Fife Achievement Awards and Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
The choir is made up of members of staff from across the organisation. Membership is available to staff or volunteers. There are no auditions, just enthusiasm and a love of music is required.
Staff Interest Club
A range of clubs and activities are available for staff including the Knit Club and yoga classes. Details on upcoming classes are shared on StaffLink.
Learning, Education and Training
NHS Fife has a range of development opportunities for all staff from entry into post and throughout the span of their career.
An employee development fund exists within NHS Fife and therefore financial assistance may be available to support continual PPD.
Take home pay/salary
Your salary will normally be paid monthly in arrears by bank credit transfer into your bank account.
Registered Nurses
Prior to successful NMC registration, you will be paid at the top of Band 4, link to salary scales - Pay and conditions for NHS staff covered by the Agenda for Change agreement (scot.nhs.uk)
Once fully registered with the NMC, you will be paid at a Band 5 and initially be placed on the minimum of the Band 5 salary scale. Consideration will be given to adjust your salary to a higher point where there is evidence of completed full years’ of service at equivalent experience. Prior experience must be evidenced and will be applied on commencement where possible or retrospectively.
You will initially be placed on the minimum of the Band 5 salary scale. Consideration will be given to adjust your salary to a higher point where there is evidence of completed full years’ of service at equivalent experience. Prior experience must be evidenced and will be applied on commencement where possible or retrospectively.
Deductions from salary - Tax, National Insurance and Pension
Income tax
Your first £12, 570 per annum is tax free but any income earned above this will be taxable.
Any pay over, £25,296 per annum to £43,662per annum is taxed at 21% and earning below this but above £12,570 is taxed between 19% and 20%.
National Insurance (NI)
In addition to income tax, most UK workers also have national insurance contributions deducted from their pay. These kick in based on your earnings from the age of 16, and you usually stop paying when you reach state pension age (67 years old).
You pay no NI on your earning on or below £242 per week, 12% on your earnings between £242.01 and £967 per week and 2% on the remaining earnings above £967per week.
An explanation of Tax and National Insurance will be provided at induction.
Stafflink Communications App
Stafflink is NHS Fife's handy online tool for keeping in touch with staff. The Communications Team manages this content and pushes out key updates via this powerful app. Stafflink can be viewed from any NHS Fife departmental computer or can be downloaded from the App Store or from the Google Play store. We recommend that you download the app and as soon as you have an NHS Fife email address, you will be able to be sent details on how register.

Organisations to support you through recruitment and beyond
Consider joining a UK based health or social care professional trade union or professional association early in your employment. Trade unions and professional associations can support you in lots of ways, including employment and immigration advice, providing access to legal services and other professional services. If a problem arises, they can get you the right support and representation. You’ll need to pay a membership fee - how much this is will depend on which one you join. Some trade unions offer a discounted membership fee for international members. Click on the links below to find out more about the following trade unions and professional associations: