Weekly information is now being published on COVID-19 cases connected to nurseries and schools in Fife.
These updates list where a case has occurred in pupils or staff who are attending the school, and where five or more school contacts have been required to isolate after contact tracing has taken place. Where less than five potential contacts have been identified, these cases will not be included for reasons of pupil/ staff confidentiality.
From Monday 01 March to Sunday 07 March 2021, five or more individuals at the following school were required to isolate after contact with a positive case.
- Dunnikier Primary School, Kirkcaldy
Anyone with the well-established symptoms of COVID-19, regardless of how mild, should immediately self-isolate and order a test on the NHS inform website www.nhsinform.scot or by calling 0800 028 2816.
There are a number of useful resources available for parents in Fife, with information on how best to reduce the chances of your family contracting the virus and what you should do if someone in the household develops symptoms. These can be accessed at: www.nhsfife.org/news-updates/campaigns/coronavirus-information/information-for-parents/.
Furthermore, Fife Council has made a comprehensive list of questions and answers available for parents and carers at: www.fife.gov.uk/schoolcovidfaqs.