NHS Fife needs you

As the number of new cases of Covid-19 across Fife continues to rise, we are seeing an increase in demand on our services.

What is different this time is we currently have more emergency surgical and medical patient admissions than during the previous waves.

All our health and care services are under increasing strain from this demand.

This is also compounded with a number of staff self-isolating, which is adding to the challenge.

Many clinical areas across Fife need support now - and we are asking our bank staff - Registrants and Nursing Auxiliaries to step forward.

We would like to see all the staff with a bank contracts to be working and helping us to continue to deliver safe, patient centred care during this challenging time.

There are also opportunities for fixed term contracts within many wards, so please discuss these with the lead nurses in your area.

If you haven't worked for a while, that's not a problem, please look on Allocate and pick up a shift.

If you have issues accessing Allocate, please contact the nurse bank team at Email: Fife.fifenursebank@nhs.scot, they can also assist you with your training or orientation.

Thank you in advance for playing a vital role in health and care delivery.