Graphic image of a mobile phone with text on the screen

NHS Fife are contacting patients on our Endocrinology and Neurology waiting lists. This service will be delivered by the NHS Scotland National Elective Coordination Unit (NECU) in partnership with the digital solutions provider, DrDoctor.

From 21st March 2024, Patients will receive a text message from the NHS Scotland National Elective Coordination Unit (NECU) on mobile number 07860 039092.

This will include a link to a short survey asking if you still need your appointment or operation, followed by a few questions to confirm their identity. People who are answering the survey on behalf of someone else must provide the patient’s details at this stage.

If there is no registered mobile number, patients may also receive a phone call to their landline. If a patient does not respond to the text message or phone call, a letter will be sent by post. 

Please note, this is a separate initiative to our Patient Hub waiting list management.

For more information, please view this patient information leaflet which gives you quick guide to the system and a list of frequently asked questions.