The NHS Fife infertility clinic will generally see couples who have struggling to conceive for a year or more. We can also see couples earlier if there is factor already known that will have a bearing on a couple’s fertility. We carry out baseline investigations for each couple and can also offer some treatments if required. We can also refer couples for IVF treatment if they are eligible.
Same –sex couples can also be referred to our clinic. We will aim to carry out some baseline investigations for the couple. We can make a refer for Donor Insemination if the couple are eligible.
We can also assist single people who are looking to conceive. We can offer baseline investigations and offer advice on donor insemination. Single people are not currently eligible for NHS funded fertility treatments.
We also offer a recurring miscarriage service. This clinic can carry out investigations into why a couple is having recurring miscarriage.
Referral routes
The usual referral route is via your General Practitioner or the Early pregnancy clinic. The service is based at the Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy and Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline.
Opening hours
Monday- Friday 09.00-17.00