young boy in assisted walking frame

Our input is child and family centred. It is provided across a variety of settings within the community; home, child development centres, nurseries, physiotherapy and specialist clinics.

Through facilitating pre-school children and babies to participate in play and developmental activities we aim to enhance their development and support them to reach their full potential. We promote health, wellbeing, physical activity and independence.

The team has expertise in movement and motor skill acquisition. We have specialist knowledge and clinical skills in; assessment, child development, musculoskeletal development, neurological development and therapy intervention and planning.

We provide input to babies and pre-school children through universal, targeted and specialised activities within Early Years.

Universal Activities

  • Health Promotion – the promotion of physical health, wellbeing and active lifestyles for all babies, pre-school children and their families
  • Sign-posting to activity groups, exercise through play and daily activities and daily activity guidelines
  • Advice and guidance on child development, motor development and normal variation within development
  • Advice and guidance on positioning, play and interaction
  • Resources and Information for parents and carers

Targeted Activities

Groups, information provision, advice and guidance including

  • Input to Nursery Groups/Family Hub Activities
  • Group Activities – hydrotherapy, neuro groups, rebound sessions
  • Targeted advice, guidance and information e.g. hypermobility, normal variation in development

Specialised Activities

  • Specialist assessment and intervention for individual babies and children
  • Individual treatment plans, based on shared goal setting to meet the needs of an individual baby or child
  • Referral for orthotic assessment and provision
  • Referral and assessment for specialist equipment e.g standing frames, sleep systems/postural support, walkers, supportive buggies and wheelchairs