If you are concerned about changes to your voice but have not been seen by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor, it is important to contact your GP as soon as possible.
Following your ENT consultation you may have been directed to the Speech and Language Therapy resources for voice care. The purpose of these resources is to help you know more about how your voice works and how to look after your voice. These resources include ideas and exercises that focus on relieving vocal symptoms, preventing damage to the voice and avoiding future voice problems. Knowing how to take charge of your symptoms and getting symptom relief may mean you feel better, are more confident and are able to get on with life and do the things you enjoy.
Many people find that using the resources below is all they need. However, if you still feel concerned about your voice after using these resources regularly for 6 weeks and would like to speak to a Speech and Language Therapist about additional support, please telephone the service on (01592) 226784 or email fife.sltreferral@nhs.scot
Contact with a Speech and Language Therapist will involve having an initial telephone conversation exploring your concerns, identifying factors that could be contributing to your voice problem and helping you think about what outcomes are important to you. Following this initial conversation, you and your therapist may agree to further sessions. These sessions will be arranged either through a video appointment (using Near Me) or we may ask you to travel to see us face to face.
Video or Near Me appointments
Attend consultations via video - patient information leaflet
Voice care information
This video talks you through how your voice is produced, what can go wrong and what you can do to look after your voice.
Voice warm-up exercises
This short video shows you how to easily warm-up your voice with a few simple exercises.

Steam inhalation leaflet
This leaflet provides information on steam inhalation which could help your voice or cough.
There is also some evidence that steam inhalation can also be helpful.

Voice care information (written)
Detailed written information about how you produce your voice, what can go wrong and what you can do to look after your voice. Check out the video above for more accessible information.

Reflux information leaflet
This leaflet provides information about the symptoms you may experience if you have silent reflux, how this affects your voice and what you can do to improve symptoms.

Chronic cough information leaflet
This leaflet provides information on chronic cough, what causes chronic cough, and how chronic cough is treated.

Voice warm-up exercises (written)
A simple step-by-step guide on how to warm-up your voice.
Check out the video above for demonstrations on how to do these warm-up exercises.