NHS Boards form a local health system, with single governing bodies responsible for improving the health of their local populations and delivering the healthcare required. The overall purpose of the Board is to ensure the efficient, effective, and accountable governance of NHS Fife and to provide strategic leadership and direction for the system as a whole, focussing on agreed outcomes.

NHS Fife is managed by a Board of Executive and non-Executive Directors who are accountable to the Scottish Government through the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport.

The Board holds meetings every two months at Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy. Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe the proceedings, which begin at 10 am. Meetings have set agendas, and accompanying papers are available on the NHS Fife website five days before the meeting.

The role of the Board is specifically to:

  • Improve and protect the health of local people
  • Improve health services for local people
  • Focus clearly on health outcomes and people’s experience of their local health system
  • Promote integrated health and community planning by working closely with other local organisations
  • Provide a single focus of accountability for the performance of the local NHS system

The functions of the NHS Board comprise;

  • Strategy development
  • Resource allocations
  • Implementation of an annual delivery plan; and
  • Performance review and management

The Board comprises 18 members, as follows:

  • a Chairperson
  • nine non-executive members, including the designated whistleblowing champion
  • two stakeholder members
  • a member of Fife Council
  • the chief executive of NHS Fife
  • four executive directors

Dates of future meetings

  • Wednesday 25 September 2024
  • Tuesday 26 November 2024
  • Tuesday 28 January 2025
  • Tuesday 25 March 2025

All meetings start at 10:00 am unless otherwise notified.

Published Board papers

25 September 2024
30 July 2024
25 June 2024
28 May 2024
26 March 2024