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HR Policy
To Be Categorised
HR Directorate
HR Policy Group
Director of Workforce, Employee Director
01 May 2013
01 June 2024
01 June 2027

General Note

NHS Fife acknowledges and agrees with the importance of regular and timely review of policy statements and aims to review policies within the timescales set out.

New policies will be subject to a review date of no more than 1 year from the date of first issue.

Reviewed policies will have a review date set that is relevant to the content (advised by the author) but will be no longer than 3 years.

If a policy is past its review date then the content will remain extant until such time as the policy review is complete and the new version published, or there are national policy or legislative changes.


To provide assistance to staff who are required to relocate their home in order to take up employment with NHS Fife.

There is a separate national agreement for Doctors and Dentists in Training, which is set out within NHS Circular PCS (DD) 2010/8.


This policy applies to all employees with the exception of Doctors and Dentists in Training of NHS Fife who meet the eligibility criteria for relocation and associated expenses.


All managers with the authority to make appointments should ascertain at or subsequent to interview whether the successful candidate is required to move to take up post.



The following categories of staff are eligible for relocation expenses:

· Permanent, whole or part-time staff with a basic starting salary equal to, or in excess of the minimum point of the Agenda for Change Band 6 pay scale (whole time equivalent).

·Selected Agenda for Change Band 5 posts may be eligible for relocation expenses, subject to the conditions set out in section 1.5 of Guidance Notes on the Reimbursement of Relocation and Associated Expenses. 

· Any Fixed Term or temporary staff, whole or part-time, with a basic starting salary (whole time equivalent) in excess of the minimum point of Agenda for Change Band 6 pay scale. It is important to note that staff falling under this category eligible for relocation expenses will have the actual level of entitlement calculated based on the stated duration of the fixed term in the original contract of employment; pro-rata in complete months to the entitlement level had the contract been either permanent, or with a stated duration of 2 years or more.

· Arrangements in relation to relocation expenses for all Specialty Registrars including Fixed Term, Core Trainees and Dental Trainees remain unchanged in that the relocation expenses payable are one full relocation package per Deanery area. In circumstances where a doctor or dentist in a training grade has already relocated, for example SN2010/8. Dec 2010 NHS Circular: PCS(DD)2010/8 where they took up a post in Scotland having moved from England, and are then required to move from one Deanery area to another Deanery area within Scotland, and it is agreed between the doctor or dentist and the employer that relocation is the most appropriate arrangement, they will be eligible for a further relocation package.

· If a doctor or dentist in a training grade who has received a relocation package changes specialty or post, the relocation package is not recoverable, so long as the doctor or dentist continues to be employed within NHS Scotland for two years. If the doctor or dentist is no longer employed within NHS Scotland within two years of receiving their relocation package, they are required to repay a pro rata amount in line with the relevant Board’s Relocation Policy.

· NHS Scotland Boards, Special Health Boards and NHS National Services Scotland (formerly the Common Services Agency) will apply their locally agreed Relocation Policies in implementing these arrangements. However, eligibility for relocation expenses is determined by the doctor’s or dentist’s educational programme.

· Doctors or dentists in Locum Appointment for Training posts (LATs) are covered by this agreement and therefore have an entitlement to claim relocation expenses on taking up the LAT appointment in line with locally agreed relocation policies.

The level of remuneration that qualifies a member of staff to receive assistance under this policy will be reviewed by NHS Fife on a regular basis. Any request for a variation to the minimum salary level to be considered for relocation expenses must be considered and agreed by the General Manager/Head of Service prior to any commitment being provided.

If eligible, written confirmation of the offer of relocation expenses will be made with the offer of appointment, or as soon as practicable thereafter.


NHS Fife will reimburse up to a maximum of £8,000 vouched expenditure.

This payment is made on the following conditions:

  • The employee takes up residence in the new area within 6 months of their start date in post, and claims within 12 months (unless and only in exceptional circumstances an extension is agreed by the General Manager).
  • Some staff (mainly those who undertake on call duties) may be required to live a certain distance / travelling time from their base within NHS Fife. The location of the new home must therefore be within an acceptable travelling time and distance to the employee’s base in NHS Fife. As a guide, 20 minutes travelling time by car would normally be acceptable. The Director of Acute Services Head of Service, H&SCP or relevant EDG member, will reserve the right to finally determine what distance is acceptable.
  • The employee must sign an undertaking to reimburse NHS Fife a proportion of the expenses as detailed below, if he or she leaves the employment of NHS Fife within two years of the start date in post. Fixed-term contracts of less than two years will have entitlement to expenses calculated based on the stated duration (in complete months) of the fixed term in their original contract of employment.
  • Repayment: If an employee leaves within 2 years of the start date of employment, or before the stated expiry of their fixed term contract in the original contract of employment (where applicable); the entitlement to relocation expenses will be recalculated from the start date to the date of leaving (in complete months). The employee will then be contractually liable to repay the difference between the financial assistance initially received, and the amount he / she is retrospectively entitled to.


The appointing manager will identify, with advice from the Workforce Directorate where required if the post attracts relocation expenses. 

The appointing manager will identify prior to interview if any shortlisted candidates would be required to move in order to take up the post.

At the time of an offer of appointment, the appointing manager will confirm that there is a requirement to move to take up post and the amount of assistance payable. The successful candidate will be issued with NHS Fife’s Relocation Expenses Policy and Guidance, which details entitlement, and all associated documentation for claiming any expenses incurred.

The successful candidate will accept the post in the knowledge that there is a requirement to move and that assistance will be limited to a specified level.

Reimbursement of expenses will be made in accordance with NHS Fife’s Relocation Expenses policy and in conjunction with the Guidance Notes on the Reimbursement of Relocation and Associated Expenses.

Reimbursement of relocation expenses will be subject to Inland Revenue rules applicable at date of payment.


NHS Fife Guidance Notes on the Reimbursement of Relocation and Associated Expenses.

NHS Fife Standing Financial Instructions





1.1 These notes have been produced as a guide to the payment of relocation expenses in line with NHS Fife’s Relocation Expenses policy.

1.2 It is important to stress that entitlement to reimbursement of relocation expenses should be ascertained by the appointing manager prior to interview.

1.3 Eligibility and level of reimbursement of relocation expenses should be confirmed by your manager with approval by the General Manager/Head of Service prior to taking up post and certainly before proceeding with any relocation expense commitments.

There is a maximum limit of £8,000 for all relocation and associated expenses.

1.4 There is a separate national agreement for doctors and dentists in Training set out within NHS Circular PCS (DD) 2010/8.


1.5      Offering relocation assistance to staff who are required to relocate their home in order to take up employment with NHS Fife, may assist in attracting candidates to hard to fill vacancies. To be eligible the following criteria must be met:

  • There must be evidence that the service has experienced difficultly in recruiting to the post and that this poses a risk to the organisation and is recorded on the relevant risk register.
  • Permanent, whole or part-time staff with a basic starting salary equal to, or in excess of the minimum point of the Agenda for Change Band 5 pay scale (whole time equivalent).
  • Any Fixed Term or temporary staff, whole or part-time, with a basic starting salary (whole time equivalent) in excess of the minimum point of Agenda for Change Band 5 pay scale.  It is important to note that staff falling under this category eligible for relocation expenses will have the actual level of entitlement calculated based on the stated duration of the fixed term in the original contract of employment; pro-rata in complete months to the entitlement level had the contract been either permanent, or with a stated duration of 2 years or more.


2.1 Reimbursement will be made for vouched expenses up to the maximum agreed level of your relocation allowance, on the proviso that you take up residence in the new area within 6 months of your start date in post and claim expenses within 12 months of taking up post.

2.2 Permanent Employees:

· Before expenses can be paid, you will be required to complete, sign and return the enclosed declaration to confirm your agreement to remain in the employment of NHS Fife for at least 2 years and that you are not receiving assistance with relocation expenses from another source.

· Please note that should you leave employment during the first 2 years you will be contractually liable on your termination date with NHS Fife to repay any assistance received in line with the provisions for repayment contained within NHS Fife’s Relocation Expenses Policy.

2.3 Fixed Term or Employees on a Temporary Contract

· If you are employed on a fixed term or temporary basis you will be entitled to relocation expenses based on the stated duration in your original contract of employment; pro-rata to the full amount payable on permanent contracts of employment, or those contracts with a stated duration of 2 years or more.

· You will also be required to complete, sign and return the declaration provided to confirm your understanding that should you leave NHS Fife employment before the date your fixed term or temporary contract was due to expire as detailed in your original contract of employment, you will be contractually liable to repay any assistance received in line with the repayment provisions contained within NHS Fife’s Relocation Expenses Policy.

· You will also be required to confirm you are not in receipt of any assistance relating to relocation expenses from any other source.

2.4 Arrangements in relation to relocation expenses for all Specialty Registrars including Fixed Term, Core Trainees and Dental Trainees remain unchanged in that the relocation expenses payable are one full relocation package per Deanery area. In circumstances where a doctor or dentist in a training grade has already relocated, for example SN2010/8. Dec 2010 NHS Circular: PCS(DD)2010/8 where they took up a post in Scotland having moved from England, and are then required to move from one Deanery area to another Deanery area within Scotland, and it is agreed between the doctor or dentist and the employer that relocation is the most appropriate arrangement, they will be eligible for a further relocation package.

If a doctor or dentist in a training grade who has received a relocation package changes specialty or post, the relocation package is not recoverable, so long as the doctor or dentist continues to be employed within NHS Scotland for two years. If the doctor or dentist is no longer employed within NHS Scotland within two years of receiving their relocation package, they are required to repay a pro-rata amount in line with the relevant Board’s Relocation Policy.

NHS Scotland Boards, Special Health Boards and NHS National Services Scotland (formerly the Common Services Agency) will apply their locally agreed Relocation Policies in implementing these arrangements. However, eligibility for relocation expenses is determined by the doctor’s or dentist’s educational training programme.

Doctors or dentists in Locum Appointment for Training posts (LATs) are covered by this agreement and therefore have an entitlement to claim relocation expenses on taking up the LAT appointment in line with locally agreed relocation policies.

2.5 Some staff may be required to live a certain distance / travelling time from their base within NHS Fife. In these circumstances and as a guide, 20 minutes travelling time by car would normally be acceptable, however, this should be discussed fully with your manager prior to purchasing your house, or making any commitment to do so. The Director of Acute Services,Head of Service, H&SCP or relevant NHS Fife Director will reserve the right to finally determine what distance is acceptable.

2.6 You can arrange to pay any invoices direct and be reimbursed by completing the enclosed form and forwarding to the Finance Directorate. Further supplies are available from the Finance Directorate, or via the NHS Fife StaffLink.

2.7 Alternatively, you can arrange for NHS Fife to be invoiced direct through the Workforce Directorate. If VAT is recovered, it will not be deducted from your relocation entitlement.


3.1 The type of expenses which you can claim for are detailed below. This list is not exhaustive and you may wish to claim for expenses not listed but associated with relocation. You should note, however, that all items claimed must be associated with relocation. Authorisation will not be given for any unrelated items. If authorisation is given, this may have tax implications. The Financial Services Department can provide advice on this aspect of your claims.

3.2 Removal / Storage of Furnishing and Effects

Three quotes in writing covering removal/storage must be obtained and submitted to the Workforce Directorate when reimbursement is being claimed. Although employees may choose any company for removal/storage, NHS Fife will only reimburse expenses based on the lowest quote obtained.

3.3 Legal & Associated Expenses on House Purchase

Reimbursement of the following reasonable vouched legal and other expenses may be applicable (including VAT):

· Solicitor’s fees;

· Incidental Legal expenses;

· Stamp Duty;

· Land Registration fees;

· Expenses in connection with mortgage or loan including arrangement and survey fees (but excluding interest and indemnity premiums)

3.4 Legal & Associated Expenses on House Sale

Reimbursement of the following reasonable vouched legal and other expenses may be applicable (including VAT):

· Solicitor’s fees, including legal expenses incurred in the redemption of a mortgage, estate agents or auctioneers fees.

3.5 Bridging Loan Charges

NHS Fife will not normally reimburse bridging loan expenses. This will not be considered unless under exceptional circumstances – you should notify your Manager immediately if you wish to request such reimbursement before you make any commitment.

3.6 House Rent for Temporary Accommodation

Reasonable vouched cost of a tenancy agreement and letting agent fees may be

reimbursed to employees who rent furnished or un-furnished accommodation in the new area. This would be for a maximum period of 6 months or until entitlement level (actual vouched expenditure or the maximum of £8,000 for all relocation and associated expenses - whichever is lesser) is exhausted.

3.7 Return Journey to Oversee Relocation and / or Journey from Old to New Home

Travelling expenses will be paid at the current public transport mileage rate. This may include expenses for family members, more than one vehicle or multiple travel tickets, only if it can be demonstrated that these are essential for relocation purposes


Download the Relocation Expenses Policy Forms (Word doc)