The cost-of-living crisis is impacting on everyone regardless of job or income. We are all examining our outgoings and thinking about where we can make savings.
- This might mean cutting back on activities that you enjoy, such as a holidays, meals out, trips to the cinema or after school activities for children.
- You may be making difficult decisions such as taking on a second job or working overtime for additional income, which means spending less time with family; giving up a family pet due to increasing costs; or strict budgeting for basic outgoings such as food.
- Or you may be facing fundamental choices in relation to food, such as reducing the number of meals you have each day, maybe going without to allow children to eat; cutting down on using heating within the home; or in some cases, you might be choosing between ‘heat or eat’ as it’s not possible to do both.
You may be experiencing guilt, stress, frustration, shame, embarrassment or even crisis and despair. Whatever your situation, don’t ignore the emotional impact of the decisions which you are facing. There are some simple steps you can take which will help you with the range of emotions you may be experiencing.
Three simple steps
1. Don’t look at the overall situation as this might feel overwhelming or distressing and potentially leave you feeling hopeless.
#ControlTheControlables don’t focus on what you can’t control, focus on what you can do.
2. While it may feel like the squeeze on finances is never ending, through time, circumstances can and will change.
Break the situation down to individual areas and consider each in turn #OneThingAtATime
3. Don’t compare your situations with others, focus on making the decisions which are right for you and your family.
Ask for help and support: this will help you feel you are regaining control and taking action.
The current cost-of-living crisis will not last forever. By recognising and managing your emotions in the here and now, you will be more prepared to make the necessary decisions for your circumstances.
Practical tools to help you
Circles of influence: We all have areas in our life we have control over, areas we can influence and areas where we have no control but still worry us. This tool will help you work through the concerns you have and allow you to focus on the areas you can control #ControlTheControllables.
One thing at a time: When our mind is busy and we feel overwhelmed, it can be difficult to make a decision. This tool will help you focus on the decisions in front of you and prioritise what you need to do #OneThingAtATime
Right for you right now: When we are frustrated by our situation, we can feel overcome with emotions which can feel uncomfortable. This simple technique will help to bring you back to the here and now, reducing feelings of distress.
The current cost-of-living crisis will not last forever. By recognising and managing your emotions in the here and now, you will be more prepared to make the necessary decisions for your circumstances.
Click the button below for further advice and information on support.