The Health Promotion Training Team produce an annual programme which features a wide range of free training and is an opportunity to invest in our workforce through up-skilling and providing a space to share, reflect on and develop best practice. To do this we work closely with many of our voluntary and public sector partners to develop and deliver training courses and see it as a great opportunity to share local expertise, knowledge and information.
We offer a number of training opportunities to suit everyone’s learning needs, delivered by local and national partners ranging from:
- Face-to-Face Workshops
- Virtual Workshops
- eLearning Modules
- Learning Bytes
- Webinars
- Learning Hubs
- Blended Learning
How to apply and access Health Promotion Training
You must register on our Health Promotion Training Website in order to book on all face to face and virtual workshops. If you are already a member, please sign-in to your account. Course booking information can be found here or on page 115 of the 24-25 Health Promotion Service Prevention & Early Intervention Training Programme.
To access our Health Promotion Training website please click here. To have a look through our latest training programme you can view it or download a pdf here: Training Programme 2024-25
Unless otherwise stated, all training courses are free of charge.
Training courses are open to all public and voluntary sector workers in Fife as well as staff members from workplaces affiliated with the Health Promotion Workplace team. Participants are encouraged to draw on and share their own experience and consider how they would apply learning from the training to their own professional practice. Participants come from a wide range of backgrounds, which enhances the sharing and learning experience.
The majority of our trainers are Fife based workers who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise through the delivery of training. Some courses are supported by national trainers from various services and organisations across Scotland.
Targeted Training
As well as our core training programme, we can provide additional workshops tailored to the needs of specific teams, services, organisations and/or workplaces. For further information, please contact the training team on:
Being a trainer through the Health Promotion Training Programme is a very rewarding experience as it provides a platform for me to utilise my skills as well as build on them. The training team is always on hand to offer support and guidance.
Meet the team
The Health Promotion Training Team consists of Laura Petrie, Senior Health Promotion Officer, Edward Martin, Health Promotion Officer for Mental Health Training, Kirsty Gallagher, Health Promotion Officer for Poverty Awareness Training and Karen Barnes, Health Promotion Training Administator.

Laura, Edward and Kirsty
Data Protection
The Health Promotion Training Team use the personal data you provide for the purposes associated with continued workforce development, including the administration of courses/workshops, communication with other trainers, monitoring training programmes, audits/surveys and circulating information relating to relevant development opportunities. For further information on our privacy and data protection policy go to our website: or, contact the Training Team on (
I have gained more confidence and knowledge from a Health Improvement perspective and how to use models as a guide - I am not daunted by the prospect of them and how they can enhance delivery and not be paper for papers sake.