To contact the Department of Spiritual Care regarding staff support, please phone the main switchboard on 01592 643355, and ask for the Duty Chaplain who is available 24/7.
The Department of Spiritual Care provides confidential and impartial support services that co-exist with other employee welfare and wellbeing services. The support offered helps staff who may be experiencing stress as a result of either their personal or professional lives, by providing a safe space to talk, reflect on experiences, and voice fears, concerns, worries, and hopes.
Staff are assured that significance is placed on what they say and that they will be valued, and affirmed, as professionals and individuals. Healthcare Chaplains can also provide specific support to staff teams following critical incidents.
The Department of Spiritual Care offers:
- One to One support (including a staff listening service)
- Reflective practice, including pastoral supervision and values based reflective practice
- Group sessions (ward and department based) including critical incident stress management
- Tailored education and training programmes