We work with people who have a learning disability and the people who support them. We consider the communication skills and opportunities people have and how we can work together to enhance these. We may suggest:

  • Adapting verbal communication (the words and sentences used)
  • Adapting non-verbal communication ( body language, facial expression, tone of voice)
  • The use of Alternative and Augmentative communication (AAC) methods to support spoken language e.g. signing; visual aids; easy read information.

We encourage organisations that support people with learning disabilities to meet the Five Good Communication Standards (RCSLT 2013).

Speech and language therapy promotes a person centred approach and always considers what is important to each person.

Speech and language therapists also support people with learning disabilities to have safe, enjoyable mealtimes through assessment and advice around supporting eating, drinking and swallowing and managing with any difficulties around this (dysphagia).