NHS Fife is proud to be an key organisation in the Kingdom. We strive not only to improve the health of the people living in Fife but also bring wider socio-economic benefits to the area.
Due to their size, anchor institutions already make a huge, positive impact in their local area. However, by deliberately adopting strategies that support their local community, they have the potential to further support the wellbeing economy and reduce inequalities caused by socioeconomic disadvantage. They can do this through an approach to economic development which is known as Community Wealth Building (CWB) which we explain in more detail below.

Victoria Hospital Main Entrance
Anchor institutions are pivotal in helping to meet Scotland’s ambition around a 'Wellbeing Economy'. The animation below illustrates NHSScotland’s role as an anchor institution, the contribution to reducing inequalities and, supporting Community Wealth Building.
There are five key ways in which NHS organisations act as anchor institutions. We explain this below, illustrating how NHS Fife is contributing to the socio-economic wellbeing of Fife and it's population.
As an anchor institution, NHS Fife employs more local people and provides fair stable work. We promote vacancies and opportunities on our Work with us pages.
Anchor institutions recognise the impact they can make locally by sourcing more goods and services within the surrounding area and developing the local supply chains to contribute to local economic growth. See NHS Fife's Procurement section.
Land and assets
As an anchor institution, local groups can use our land and buildings for community benefit. This is known as Fife's Community Asset register.
Environmental sustainability
Anchor institutions are conscious of their impact on the environment and are at pains to minimise this. Our work in this area is outlined in our Sustainability pages.
We can work alongside fellow anchor institutions such as Fife Council and Fife Health and Social Care Partnership to develop good practice and anchor approaches. We also have strong links with many third sector agencies and organisations.
Fife Community Action Network
Fife Coast and Countryside trust
Community Wealth Building (CWB)
This is a new approach to economic development. It aims to change how economies function so that:
- more wealth is directed back to local economies
- communities have more control over decision-making
- local people receive more benefits from economic development
CWB can support Scotland’s national wellbeing economic objectives outlined in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET).
Anchor institutions like NHS Fife are a key mechanism to deliver Community Wealth Building (CWB). Together as anchor institutions we have a huge opportunity to redirect wealth back into their local economies.
Just think, in NHS Fife alone we
- Employ around 8500 staff from the local area
- Manage the health needs of a population of over 350,000
- Oversee an annual budget in excess of £350m [non pay spend]
- Manage an estate of 130 hectares.
- Have a total revenue £1.078bn with capital £15.5m fom 23-24 published accounts
This means that workers, residents and consumers would benefit more from the economic activity happening in their communities. The actions taken by Anchor Institutions contribute to the five pillars of CWB are:
- Plural ownership of the economy
- Making financial power work for local places
- Fair employment and just labour markets
- Progressive procurement of goods and services
- Socially productive use of land and property
You can read more about these 5 pillars here.
Fife's Anchor institution plan