We aim to provide a community of carers throughout pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period for who women who choose to birth at home as recommended by the Best Start Initiative.
Within Fife women have the choice to birth at home, in an alongside midwife led unit or at a consultant led unit.
At your first midwife/booking appointment the midwife will ask about your medical and any previous pregnancy history. She will discuss your choices and any recommendations for place of birth with you.
If you choose to birth at home or wish any further information about birth at home, the midwife will make a referral to the team who will then contact you to make further arrangements.
You can choose to birth at home at any stage in your pregnancy. contact you community midwife and she will make a referral to the team. However, an early referral would give more time to get to know the team.
If you would like more information about Homebirth, you can contact Francis Boyle on 07810 637744.