In this unit you will be seen and cared for by a team of dedicated, friendly midwives, doctors and support staff who will work in partnership with you and your family to provide a positive birthing experience.
We have nine rooms within the unit for labouring women, one of which has a birthing pool. All of our rooms have en-suite facilities and are equipped with soft furnishing to make it a more home from home environment. Most rooms have a drop down neonatal resuscitaire should your baby require help at birth. When in labour, if required you will be reviewed regularly by the on call team of doctors, who will, along with you, your birthing partner and your midwife discuss plans of care. We have an open visting policy for birthing partners within the CLU and we request that you limit your birthing partners to two, this is guidance and individual family circumstances will always be taken into account.
Pain relief
In the consultant led unit we encourage natural methods of pain relief. We support HypnoBirthing and have a number of midwives trained in this. Inhalational analgesia known as Entonox or an injection of Diamorphine can be provided. If further pain relief is required we can offer an epidural in established labour. The midwife who is providing your care will be able to discuss the all the options with you and your birthing partner.
There is a dedicated theatre for elective and emergency procedures. One birthing partner may accompany you to theatre. If a general anaesthetic is required your partner will remain in CLU and will be taken to theatre by a member of staff to meet you baby when he/she has been born.
Observation ward
The Observation ward is for women who require a bit more monitoring of their pregnancy or for a time after the birth of their baby.
Because of the high dependency needs of the women, the visiting arrangements here are stricter.
The visiting times are for the birthing partner 10am – 8pm. This unit only has ONE birthing partner.
Visiting times
Visiting times for visitors are 3pm until 4pm and strictly 2 visitors to a bed at the one time. The evening visiting is from 7pm until 8pm, again strictly 2 visitors to a bed.
The birthing partner is not included in the number of visitors neither are the woman’s children.
Observation contact number - 01592 729186
Consultant led unit contact number - 01592 729182