Before you are discharged, the staff will organise any support services you may need on your return home such as:

  • Home help service
  • District nurse service
  • Physiotherapy
  • Meal delivery service
  • Equipment

You will be given a letter of discharge to give to your GP. You may also be given a letter to give to your District Nurse. You should pass this letter on as soon as you can as it will contain details of what treatment you should receive.

If you need any medicines you will be given a 7-day supply before you leave the ward to keep you going until you see your General Practitioner.

If you need an Outpatient appointment, a date may be given to you before you leave. Otherwise, a card giving the necessary information will be sent to your home.

Before leaving the ward, check that you have collected all your belongings. If you are not going back immediately to your own home, please leave a forwarding address. This will allow hospital staff to send on any mail.