Whilst NHS Fife will continue to operate a whole of site smoking ban, these new regulations establish no-smoking areas directly outsidehospital buildings.  This includes awning, canopies or any other over hanging structure. 

NHS Fife is a health-promoting organisation and is committed to the provision of a healthy, smoke-free environment for staff, service users and their families/carers by reducing exposure to second-hand smoke.  

If you are found smoking with 15 metres of a hospital building and are asked to stop, please do so right away and remain courteous to those reminding you of the no-smoking law.  

Enforcement of the regulations will be undertaken by designated officers of the Environmental Health team of Fife Council. 

If you would like assistance to stop smoking free advice, medications and support is available through the NHS. Anyone who would like support to stop smoking can contact the Fife Stop Smoking Service on 0800 025 3000

For more information on the new legislation visit www.gov.scot/nosmokingzones