Virtual Fracture Clinic

After your visit to the Emergency Department you may be referred to the Virtual Fracture Clinic.

Note: You do not need to physically attend this clinic as your appointment will be held online or over the phone. This appointment will take place within 72 hours of discharge from the emergency department.

The Orthopaedic Consultant and Nurse will look at your notes and X-ray and contact you with advice. This might be an appointment to come to the clinic or phone advice and discharge with the option to call back anytime for advice or an appointment.

It is helpful if you give the staff in the Emergency Department your most up-to-date phone number.  The hospital telephone number you will be contacted from will be 01592 647198, please note this number does not take incoming calls.

If you have any questions relating to the injury or your virtual fracture clinic (VFC) attendance please contact the virtual fracture clinic directly on 01592 643355 extension 20140 and leave a message. A member of the VFC team will contact you. If you have any concerns about your injury please contact the above number.