What we do

The team provides expertise on nutrition to individuals, other health professionals and the wider workforce. The team works closely with the community learning disabilities team. Adults aged 16-75 years can be referred by their G.P, other health care professional or carer.
The majority of requests for assistance come via -:

  • Learning disability team single point of access (SPOA)
  • GP’s and others via the electronic dietetic referral system
  • Home Enteral Tube Feeding (HEFT) transitions from dietetic paediatrics service
  • Inpatient units at Lynebank Hospital

What to expect

Following referral, we will have an initial conversation with you. We will ask you questions about your eating and drinking habits and if there has been any recent changes in your weight to help assess your nutritional status. We will then work with you to explore what matters to you most. A plan will be formed that will support you to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices, to help treat or prevent disease. We aim to provide accessible information when needed. We tailor our advice to meet the needs of the individual. The type of appointment may vary according to your needs and may be any of the following:

  • Telephone call
  • Video call (Near Me)
  • Clinic appointment
  • Home visit/Care Home

All requests for assistance will be triaged and may lead to signposting to other services.